Quellenkunde der Theologie des Mittelalters
Fakultätsbibliothek Theologie
Universität Freiburg im Breisgau
(Raimundus Lullus-Institut)

Frei 156 MA
Deutsche Fassung - Versió catalana - Versión española

The library was originally a part of the library of the ArbeitsbereichsbibliothekDogmatik, so that the conception behind the shelf-marks corresponds to that of the Dogmatik. The shelf-marks begin with the designation MA for "Mittelalter" (Midlle Ages). The special collection concerning the life and work of Raimundus Lullus is designated als MA RL. The collection is completely included in the electronic database. Because the library is arranged systematically, it is possible to search through the database with the help of the shelf-mark. For example, in the Freiburger Online-Katalog Expertenmodus use sthe abbreviation "SI=" to find a given shelf-mark, "SI=MA RLBD?" to find the secondary literature concerning Lull. The following abbreviations are used for searching the database. In searching, use the abbreviations without quotation-marks.

AR=Author, Editor CR=Corporation CT=Key-Word PP=Place of publication
PU=Publisher PY=Year of publication SI=Shelf-mark TI=Word from the title
UT=Random word from
the bibliographical

The Freiburger Online-Katalog follows.

"Quellenkunde der Theologie des Mittelalters": Shelf-marks

MA B Aristotelica MA Q Pre- and Early Medieval Sources MA P Periodicals and serials

MA R Medieval theology and philosophy: Sources

MA RL Raimundus Lullus MA S History of theology: Late medieval/Early modern sources (1450-1500) MA U History of philosophy and theology: Medieval MA V Humanism, Renaissance, Reformation MA W Arabic and Jewish Literature MA X Hispanica, Catalan literature MA Y Portuguese literature MA Z Offprints

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