Campus scan service

Employees of the University of Freiburg can order articles from journals and monographs from the holdings of the University Library and its campus libraries via our scan service.

Multiplication and conveyance of digital copies is only carried out for noncommercial purposes and to support academic education as well as scientific research. In the case of multiplication from monographs, we can only complete scan orders to the extent permitted by law (15% of the total volume). We ask you to bear this in mind when filling in the order form and also the other provisions of copyright law.

Please note: If you’re not an employee of Freiburg University your order will not be processed. Articles available in an electronic version are not eligible for this service. For capacity reasons, one person can only place up to 10 scan orders per day. We make every effort to process incoming scan orders as quickly as possible.

A VPN-Client is necessary to access your ordered scans.

Order form

Please check before ordering that there’s no electronic version of the article available. Choose between orders from periodicals or anthologies/monographs.

Bibliographical data

Your contact information


University of Freiburg

