Persistent Identifiers

Persistent identifiers such as ORCIDs, DOIs and ROR-IDs are used to guarantee the consistent and permanent identification of digital objects, data records, persons or institutions.

A persistent identifier is a unique, permanent digital code that is assigned to an object and specifically identifies it. Three persistent identifiers have been established as standards, which are used to consistently identify persons (ORCIDs), digital objects (DOIs) and institutions (ROR-IDs).


ORCID iDs can be registered free of charge via the non-profit organization ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). ORCID iDs are unique numerical codes for the identification of individuals. They allow you to link your name to your publications, your place of work or a funding organization and to distinguish yourself from other researchers working under the same name.

The Rectorate of the University of Freiburg decided in 2022 that the registration of an ORCID iD is mandatory for all authors at the university. In addition, the ORCID entry should be linked to your profile in FreiDok plus. The ORCID iD entered and verified is automatically forwarded to other systems within the university, e.g. to HISinOne.

The ORCID iD can be used in numerous systems, for example when submitting publications to publishers or uploading to repositories, and remains valid even if you change your name or job.

See here for further information (in German).

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) has become the standard for identifying digital objects (e.g. articles, e-books or research datasets). They can be localized and cited in a standardized form via the DOI. See here for further information (in German).


The Research Organization Registry (ROR) aims to assign a ROR ID to every academic institution as a unique identifier. The ROR-IDs associated with the University of Freiburg are as follows: [University of Freiburg] [University Medical Center Freiburg] [University Heart Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen]

See here for further information (in German).

DOI contact point

If you would like to make your digital object consistently identifiable and findable using a DOI, metadata must be deposited with one of the registration agencies of the International DOI Foundation (e.g. DataCite, Crossref). The University Library is a member of the DataCite Association via the TIB DOI Consortium of the German National Library of Science and Technology in Hanover and is therefore available to you as the university's central registration agency for DOIs.

Publications on the institutional repository FreiDok plus receive a DOI by default. The required metadata is automatically supplied to DataCite by the system. It is also possible to assign a DOI before publication. If you require your own DOI structure for a more extensive publication project (e.g. a journal), please contact us.

University of Freiburg

