For eight years the filmmakers Franz Leithold, Heiner Behring and Ingo Behring have accompanied the construction of Freiburg's new university library with their cameras. The result is not an everyday building documentation, but an aesthetic work that tells of the emergence of new spaces in which the knowledge of the world is archived and new knowledge is constantly being produced.
Quiet shots and flowing camera movements through the old abandoned and then newly created halls and rooms on the image level correspond with quotations from world literature on the audio level, spoken by Marie Bonnet and Ullo von Peinen.
The progress of the construction work itself was documented with an HD webcam installed under the roof of the building opposite. The camera shot a picture every 15 seconds. In the end, more than 650,000 individual images were available, from which time-lapse recordings were assembled.
Günter Buchwald and his musicians Frank Bockius, Wolfgang Fernow and Mike Schweizer created a music for this film, which corresponds with the film images and recorded quotations, but also comments on the individual scenes independently.