The following information on the University Library’s traditional subject catalogues is intended to help library users when conducting research on their work or devising better search strategies, either for future searches or in addition to their current strategies. Otherwise, the information desk in the library can help with questions relating to subject-specific literature searches.
If you use the library’s online catalogues, the information on traditional catalogues will only be useful to a certain extent. Online users will find the indexing in Katalog plus more beneficial.
Subject catalogues are designed to help when you are looking for literature on a subject or topic but don’t know which relevant works are available in the University Library. If you already know the author and title of the book you are looking for, please enter this information in Katalog plus.
In principle, traditional subject catalogues contain the same titles as conventional alphabetical catalogues, but they are organised by subject-specific aspects. There is no separation between the alphabetical catalogue and the subject catalogue in Katalog plus, but users should note that not all formally (“alphabetically”) recorded titles in Katalog plus are referenced by keyword.
Individual essays (with the exception of any special prints) and unclassifiable or less important works are not included in the subject catalogues.